Sunday, November 4, 2007

Working The Show

We had a great time during Palm Springs Pride. This photo is Pepper MaShay interviewing recording artist Jason Antone for her national TV show ''Sound Check''. Check this episode out next month on Proud TV.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Come on King

This looks nothing like what was on the menu board!

I wish I would have taken a picture of the menu. You could have seen this giant toasted sourdough-bread burger piled high with meat, cheese, bacon, tomato. According to the picture, I would have to use two hands to eat this mammoth burger.

What I got was a totally different thing. I got this flat, soggy, untoasted sandwich with cold bacon and a little round piece of hamburger meat. It was so disappointing! Here it is, Sunday afternoon. A beautiful day in Sunny Palm Springs, California. I was such in the mood for a good burger. When I walked into the King's place, I saw this amazing grilled sourdough burger on the menu. It said "NEW", so I thought it had to be good.

This thing looked like a welfare burger. You know, one of those sandwiches made at home because you can't afford to go out and eat. It was nasty. I can't believe they have the nerve to call this thing "NEW". It looks like it's been sitting back there since the place opened.

I'm going to see if I can enlarge this photo I took. I would like to take it back to this fast food joint and tell them to put THIS picture up on the menu. Let's see how many burgers they sell then!

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Friday, October 26, 2007

SHE GOT ME (again)

You may have read my other blog which I told you that I was ''helping'' Jacky start a video blog. She told me that I would get her started and she would go out, buy a camera and do the blog herself.

Well folks, as you can see I'm now the cameraman and Jacky's using our studio to do her video blog about Princess Diane. It's not like I already have a billion things to do already. Now I'm working on someone elses blog?

I guess it wouldn't be so bad if we were able to use these blogs as a part of the TV series for our network. We just can't use it. If you're wondering why we can't use it, simply go to To see why

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Revenge is SWEEET!

Oh how I love this skit! If you've ever been irritated by telephone marketers, this one's for you! Enjoy!

Teaching Blog 101 on a Saturday Night

Once again, as in past blogs, I need to bring your attention to the date and time on the photo. This is important because I must emphasise how truly pathetic my life has become.

It's saturday night and i'm sitting in the studio with Jacky (from Proud TV's Jacky Flax Show). I'm teaching her how to upload videos to YouTube. She wants to start a new blog with the topic of Princess Diane. I didn't ask any questions because if I did, that means she would explain and I don't want to know.

Anyhoooo, right next door to our studio is a gay nightclub. As I sit here with Jacky, having an exciting 'ol time, I can hear all the party crowd next door bored out of their wits. As a matter of fact, they're so bored over there, I can hear cheering, glasses clinging,and hook ups a happenin'.

I must not be distacted with all that bordem. I need to be focused on all this exciting blog tech stuff because it's another Saturday night and this is my world.

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Friday, October 19, 2007


I know this is not the first time you read my blog. With that in mind, I know you've heard me whining about how I want to get rid of our retail store Well, I guess all my begging worked. As of today, there's three parties now intersted in buying the store.

This is a great example of ''ask and you shall receive''. This is a great example of throwing out in the universe and wait for results. Not to sound all psycho but I think all this positive thinking crap may work. I'll keep you informed on what happens.

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Monday, October 15, 2007


Sometime I wish. Then I stop and think about it for awhile and think I probably wouldn't know what to do with it. I'd constantly be shifting. I'd constantly be adjusting. The bottom line is that I just wouldn't know which way to swing it.

So after I think about it for awhile, I come to the conclusion that i'm happy with what I have.

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Drying Corey's Pants

Please make it a point to look at the date and time on the photo. Yes, it's saturday night, 11:43 PM to be exact. The reason the date and time is so important is because I need to emphasise how pathetic my life is.

I'm sure you know what the photo is. It's my dryer. Yes, i'm operating it tonight. In other words, I'm doing laundry on a saturday night. Isn't that sad?

You're probably wondering why I'm doing laundry on a saturday night. In a nutshell, corey told me tonight that he's out of pants. He needs pants. He needs clean pants. So I made it a point to rush home and wash pants.

So when this picture was taken, I was in the ''dry'' stage. The pants were wet from the wash cycle and I transferred them to the dryer. The picture shows me fine tuning the dial so I can dry Corey's pants.

So in conclusion , my life isn't all that glamorous. I hate to disappoint you but yes, I do laundry too.

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Friday, October 12, 2007

Hey Maytag Man. . . Fix THIS!

You may be wondering why I have a photo of my fridge with an empty glass in the ice dispenser. Well, the glass is empty not by choice. I would love to have ice in that glass. The only problem is that if I use the ice dispenser, one cube comes out at a time in two minute intervals. By the time one cube comes out, the other cube in the glass has already melted. So my fridge has trained me to just open the freezer door to get my ice.

So why am I talking about my refrigerator? Why am I wasting your valuable time writing about ice cubes (or lack of them)? Because I was just watching TV! Now you're saying ''WHAT''??

Let me explain, you silly little freak. I was watching TV and a commercial came on. Can you guess what commercial it was? Come on, think about it. OK, let me tell you because as I wait for you to guess, more ice is melting in my glass.

I saw the Maytag commercial. You know, the one with the Maytag repairman fixing everything EXCEPT Maytag stuff. The point they're making is that Maytag stuff doesn't need repairs. OR, it could mean that the maytag repairman doesn't know how to fix maytag crap.

So I guess the point of today's blog is a call out to all you silly little freaks. If you see that puggy little maytag man, tell him that i'm looking for him. I've got a fridge that doesn't dispense ice. I need him to stop fixing other people's toilets and get his bloated buns over here and fix my ice shooter!

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Somebody PLEEZE Help Me!

Now I know that you've heard me whine about this before but, damn it, today I mean it! I am over the retail thing! I'm over it, i'm over it! I want to sell this store! Do I need to explain it again? OK, in a nutshell, we bought a store in Palm Springs to do a reality show out of. The reality shoot is over and now we want to get rid of the store.

I know sooner or later we're going to sell it but I want to get rid of this thing today! So listen up you silly little freaks, if you would like to own a cool little gay shop on a cool little gay street in a cool little gay town - then call me damn you.
The store makes great money, has great foot traffic with lots of regular customers and really is a great business.

The next question is that if this is such a ''great business'' then why are we so eager to sell it? Good question you silly little freak you! The answer is because I DON'T DON'T DO RETAIL! I'm not the retail type. I don't have the patience to deal with the queens that need the attention when they shop. Oh, don't gasp, I'm just being honest .

So here it is, once again, another sunday afternoon and I'm sitting here in the store, ringin' up product. I'm sure your next question is why don't we hire someone. Have you ever tried to hire help for a store like this? In this town? We've been down that road before. We've hired them all - tweakers, druggies, alchoholics, thieves, and the ever-popular ''instant-quitters''. There you go again, gasping. I'm just keeping it real.

So, if you're looking for a great retail business that you and your silly little freaky partner can run while living in the best gay oasis on earth, then call me. We do have an agent for the retail store, so call him instead and don't bother me (just kidding) . . . . .(no I'm not).

For details on the store, go to:

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Friday, September 28, 2007

This is TAZ the roaming wonder mutt

I just had to take this picture because there's something you may not notice . Taz hangs out in the studio and when guests show up, he likes to get sympathy from them. How does he do this? If you look at the picture closely, he makes it look like he's missing his left front paw. When people se this, they give a big "aahhh, poor thing". Then they pet him then turn around and look at us like we abuse him.

Let me just say for the record that Taz is NOT missing his front paw and he is the most spoiled dog on earth. Now excuse me while I go figure out how he became smarter than me.

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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Tthis Is My Life

You're not going to believe this even if you saw it yourself. You're just going to have to trust me. Our radio station is located in the back of a retail store. A GAY retail store on a GAY street. Yes, it's a great combination, condoms and dance music. Who would have known.

That's all fine and dandy but when we have no one to man the store, guess who has to ring up the lube? Yes, you got it, meeee! So here it is, sunday afternoon. Corey has a DJ gig at some pool party, I'm not on the air today so I'm sitting behind the counter locked & loaded ready to peddle all that wonderful (tacky) pride merchandise (crap).

I'm not sure what we were thinking when we decided to incorporate the studio and the store but we must have been high on something. The entrepreneurial spirit. . . You can't beat it! Well, yes you can. . . It's just better to beat it with lube; and we have it on sale today for 20% off!


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Friday, August 10, 2007

To my surprise

As you can tell by the time on the photo, I was a bit shocked when Taz the wonder mutt took my picture.

I was in a deep sleep (because it was 2 AM) when all of a sudden a flash went off. I thought it was Corey playing a joke but realized he was drinking his "2 AM cup of hot co-co" at the local Kwicky Mart.

I opened my eyes and to my shock, my dog Taz, the wonder mutt was standing above me with a poloroid camera and a burnt flash cube. Before I could react, taz quickly took another picture; and that's the picture you see now.

Don't ask me to explain the situation. Don't ask how a dog could take a picture. Don't ask why corey is at the Kwicky Mart at 2 AM. It's all just a part of my world. . .

Or it could have just been a dream. You decide ;-)

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Today's headache

You're probably wondering why I took a picture of this computer. Well, it's given me a huge headache this week. I can go into detail about it but it's not worth it.

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mobile blog

This is taz the super dog waiting for his treat. We'll see if he's good enough to his treat.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pridenation blog

This is the new blog for PNN

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