Friday, October 12, 2007

Hey Maytag Man. . . Fix THIS!

You may be wondering why I have a photo of my fridge with an empty glass in the ice dispenser. Well, the glass is empty not by choice. I would love to have ice in that glass. The only problem is that if I use the ice dispenser, one cube comes out at a time in two minute intervals. By the time one cube comes out, the other cube in the glass has already melted. So my fridge has trained me to just open the freezer door to get my ice.

So why am I talking about my refrigerator? Why am I wasting your valuable time writing about ice cubes (or lack of them)? Because I was just watching TV! Now you're saying ''WHAT''??

Let me explain, you silly little freak. I was watching TV and a commercial came on. Can you guess what commercial it was? Come on, think about it. OK, let me tell you because as I wait for you to guess, more ice is melting in my glass.

I saw the Maytag commercial. You know, the one with the Maytag repairman fixing everything EXCEPT Maytag stuff. The point they're making is that Maytag stuff doesn't need repairs. OR, it could mean that the maytag repairman doesn't know how to fix maytag crap.

So I guess the point of today's blog is a call out to all you silly little freaks. If you see that puggy little maytag man, tell him that i'm looking for him. I've got a fridge that doesn't dispense ice. I need him to stop fixing other people's toilets and get his bloated buns over here and fix my ice shooter!

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