Sunday, August 12, 2007

Tthis Is My Life

You're not going to believe this even if you saw it yourself. You're just going to have to trust me. Our radio station is located in the back of a retail store. A GAY retail store on a GAY street. Yes, it's a great combination, condoms and dance music. Who would have known.

That's all fine and dandy but when we have no one to man the store, guess who has to ring up the lube? Yes, you got it, meeee! So here it is, sunday afternoon. Corey has a DJ gig at some pool party, I'm not on the air today so I'm sitting behind the counter locked & loaded ready to peddle all that wonderful (tacky) pride merchandise (crap).

I'm not sure what we were thinking when we decided to incorporate the studio and the store but we must have been high on something. The entrepreneurial spirit. . . You can't beat it! Well, yes you can. . . It's just better to beat it with lube; and we have it on sale today for 20% off!


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